Star Jasmine
Full sun
Eastern India, China, Japan
Star Jasmine has to be my favorite flowering plant for smell. It smells absolutely amazing. I kept mine on my balcony of my apartment this past summer and when I was home I would leave the door open and it would feel my apartment with it's sweet smell. It would put me into some what of a trance because I would space off and be so relaxed. It's flowers are very small but it's fragrance is not. I love this plant. I can't wait until spring so I can smell it's sweet flowers again! It need a lot of sun. I have mine in front of a southern window. I let mine dry out before watering again though. You can tell if it gets too dry. The leaves will kind of droop. It has very stiff leaves that are dark green. It's a vine and you can train it around something to keep it neat looking because if left to it's own devices will grow crazy and take up a lot of room. I potted it in miracle potting soil. It's done fine all winter inside. Any questions just ask.
-Ducky Layne-