Direct sun to light shade
Keep moist.
This is my Ficus Alii I got out of the trash. Someone threw the poor thing away so I rescued him. This is after I pruned him and potted him. I know he did'nt look very pretty but it was cold out. I got him March, 2010. I'll keep taking pictures every month for the next year.showing his progress. He stands about 9 feet. His spread was about 5 feet but he was so misshapened that I cut and kind of gave him a better shape.
April, 2010 he shed all of his leaves with a little help from me shaking him when I would pass through the kitchen. He's pretty much bald here. He's starting to get a few new leaves here.
May, 2010 He looks a lot better here. He's started to feel out and looks good but has some scale I have to tend with. He seems to be dealing with it pretty good and I think I have it under control.
June,2010 He's filling out nicely! He looks a lot fuller and no longer has scale which is good! He's beginning to look really good. I can't wait to reach the year mark and see how far he's come. He should be really pretty.
July,2010 He looks so good. Getting so full and pretty. He's come so far since March.
August,2010 He's looking good!! So pretty! Can't wait for the year march to see how far he's come!
Ficus trees are wonderful additions to the home. They are simple to take care of. There are Ficus Benjamin and Ficus Alii. Benjamin is the more common found ficus. Ficus Benjamin have small glossy green leaves. Ficus Alii has Long pointed leaves that are dark green. They are happy with Direct sun or light shade. You can put them in South, East, or West windows. They can also be farther away from the window and be happy as well. They like to stay on the moist side letting the top inch or two dry out before watering again. Ficus are a favorite of scale insects. If you notice the leaves are sticky or the floor or furniture around the plant are sticky than your plant has scale. If your tree becomes too big for the area you have it just trim it back. It won't hurt it. Any questions just ask.
-Ducky Layne-