Goldfish Plant
Bright light
Keep moist
Costa Rica
The Goldfish plant is a cute little plant with little plump dark green waxy leaves. It does best in a hanging pot where it can vine. Keep the vines cut back to 18 inches and it will become more bushy and think. It has little orange flowers that look like goldfish(hence the name). They are a harder to find plant but if you do come across one don't hesitate to get because there's no telling when you'll see another one. They like to be kept moist but not soggy. Let dry a little between waterings. They like high humidity so mist daily. Make sure to pot them in free draining soil so they don't sit in too much water. They like bright light and can be put in any window with good light. Not too much direct sun or they will burn. If you keep it in a south window make sure the light is filtered so the southern sun during the winter won't burn it. This plant does take a little more care than most. They root easily in moist soil or water.
-Ducky Layne-
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