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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Boston Fern

Common Name:
Boston Fern

Bright light

Keep moist.

Boston ferns have been a favorite house plant for years. They have a lush growth habit and are easy to care for. They can get quite large in size and can be divided if they get too large for your home. They will burn in direct sun and need to be kept moist. During the summer they have a habit of drying out fast so you will probably have to water them pretty much everyday. They don't mind being root bound and don't have to be re potted very often.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pennywort Begonia

Common Name:
Pennywort Begonia


Keep moist

Low growing Begonia that is hard to find. Not seen for sale often. They like bright light but not direct sun. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. They have a spreading habit. Nice little Begonia to add to your collection. Any questions just ask!

-Ducky Layne-

Rattlesnake Plant

Common Name:
Rattlesnake plant

Sun to light shade

Keep moist

Rattlesnake plant is native to Brazil. The foliage is very stunning. The top of the leavea are light green with dark grean spots and the undersides are a burgandy/maroon color. The leaves are also kind of wavy. Like bright light but not a lot of direct sun. Keep moist but not soggy. Can grow up to 4 feet. Flowers later spring to early summer. Likes to be misted several times a week to keep the humidity up around it. To propagate just remove from pot and seperate the root ball. Lovely plant to own. Any questions just ask!

-Ducky Layne-

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Common name:



Shamrock sleep at night and their leaves fold up then unfold when it's day time again!

The Shamrock grows from a bulb underground and shoots up new from the ground. It has about foot long stems with 3 leaves on top. There's purple, green, and black shamrocks. They like bright light too much sun and they will burn, not enough and they won't grow. They like to be moist but not soggy. They grow better if you let them go rest during the winter. You can either put the pot somewhere dark and just forget it until winter or you can do what my great grandmother did and dig them up and put the bulbs in a paper sack and kept them in the vegtable cooler over winter. They also get little flowers on them as well! Any questions just ask!!

-Ducky Layne-

Pony tail palm, Ponytail palm

Common name:
Ponytail palm

Full sun

Moderate, let dry some between watering.

Ponytail palms are interesting easy to care for houseplants. they have a bulbous base and have a long trunk when they get older. They can be slow growing. If you give them good light, the right watering, they should grow pretty decent. They like full sun so a east or west window should be good. When watering be sure to let the top inch dry out before watering again. They don't mind to be root bound. I have seen 6 foot plants that have been in the same pot for 20 years and are doing fine. I have also see plants that have busted through the side of their clay pots! So I think repotting every couple years will be good. If they don't look that root bound just give them fresh soil and put them back in the same size pot. Make sure to put rocks or broken clay pot pieces in the bottom to help with drainage. Any questions just ask!!

-Ducky Layne-

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wondering Jew

Common Name:
Wondering Jew



My plant is'nt filled out yet. These are just cuttings. Once it's filled out i'll post another picture.

Wondering Jew is a vineing plant that has purple and silver leaves. There's also a Jew with green and white leaves. They like bright light and an Eastern window is probably the best place for them in the winter. Let them dry out just a little bit between waterings. If the plant gets too big just trim it back and place the cuttings in water and you'll end up with another plant. Just make sure to take the lower leaves off the stems. You don'e want leaves under the water level or they will rot. You can also just put the cuttings in moist soil and they will root that way also.

-Ducky Layne-

Hen and Chicks

Common Name:
Hen and Chicks

Full sun to partial shade


Hen and Chicks are one of the most interesting plants. It's a ground cover that makes little babies. There's a big one in the middle and it sends out little runners sort of that make more plants. They are very hardy and can even survive outside in a pot year around. They grow better in the ground though or when they are brought inside in the winter time. They like full sun to partial shade. they don't need much water since they are a succulent. There's different colors of them and the little leaves are different on some. Some have pointed leaf ends and some have more rounded.

-Ducky Layne-