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Introduction to my blog! : )

Hello my name is Ducky. No it's not my real name but that's what i'm going by on here. I Enjoy Growing things I think there's no better thing than watching that little green sprout pop up from the soil. This little thing that depends on you and taken care of properly will grow into something amazing! I enjoy that feeling like nothing more. I plan to blog about my experiments growing plants from seed. I'm sure there's quite a few people who are not that experienced (not that i'm an expert). I've been growing plants since I was 5 and learned a few things on the way. I learned quite a bit from my grand mothers. I buy any gardening book I come across also. I like to experiment with different things to see what works best. I'm going to share my trial and errors on here so people who are new at gardening and don't want to take the time for trial and error. That way it's easier for them. I'll be sure to tell everything with pictures and hopfully it helps soomeone. I'll show how to propagate plants from cuttings also. If you have a question about your plant ask and i'll help as much as I can. If I don't know i'll research it for you and help as much as possible. I'm going to post about propagation on every plant I have for people to read. If there's a questiong ask it. Hope my blog helps!

-Ducky Layne-