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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wondering Jew

Common Name:
Wondering Jew



My plant is'nt filled out yet. These are just cuttings. Once it's filled out i'll post another picture.

Wondering Jew is a vineing plant that has purple and silver leaves. There's also a Jew with green and white leaves. They like bright light and an Eastern window is probably the best place for them in the winter. Let them dry out just a little bit between waterings. If the plant gets too big just trim it back and place the cuttings in water and you'll end up with another plant. Just make sure to take the lower leaves off the stems. You don'e want leaves under the water level or they will rot. You can also just put the cuttings in moist soil and they will root that way also.

-Ducky Layne-

Hen and Chicks

Common Name:
Hen and Chicks

Full sun to partial shade


Hen and Chicks are one of the most interesting plants. It's a ground cover that makes little babies. There's a big one in the middle and it sends out little runners sort of that make more plants. They are very hardy and can even survive outside in a pot year around. They grow better in the ground though or when they are brought inside in the winter time. They like full sun to partial shade. they don't need much water since they are a succulent. There's different colors of them and the little leaves are different on some. Some have pointed leaf ends and some have more rounded.

-Ducky Layne-


Common Name:

Bright light

Low to medium

Wax begonia with white flowers

Wax begonia with red flowers.

Tuberous begonia.

Cane begonia.

Dragon wing.

There are hundreds of different kinds of Begonia's. Some you can find every year sold as anuals (wax and tuberous begonia) but can be kept year around. Some are harder to find and are'nt sold just anywhere (cane begonia). Some begonia's are bushy some vine some get tall some stay short. They are pretty easy to care for. I've found that and East window is the best place to keep them. Too much sun and they will burn and too little and they will get stragly and finally die. Let them dry out some between watering, but not completly. It's best not to get water on the leaves becuase it can spot some of them. The tuberous begonia's will rot easily if watered too much. You can also give your Begonia left over coffee that's cooled off once and awhile. It will make them grow like crazy.

-Ducky Layne-

Prickly Pear Cactus

Common Name:
Prickly Pear

Full sun

Very low

The Prickly Pear is a member of the cactus family and is very easy to care for. They don't ask for much and hardly ever need repotted like most cactus. All they need is lots of sun and a little water once in awhile. In the summer time you can set them out side and the rain water will be enough. You don't need to water them also or you'll rot them. They store water inside them to survive. In the winter time I don't water any of the cacti. I give them a little drink around christmas but that's all. They do better in clay pots I think. The clay absorbs some of the water they get so it kind of helps and they look better in clay to me. They like a sandy potting soil.

-Ducky Layne-