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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Snake Plant

Common name:
Snake Plant
Mother in-laws Tongue

Bright Indirect Light

Low to Moderate


My snake plant getting ready to bloom. Sorry the picture is so blurry. I'll add another pic as soon as the buds open.

Snake plants are a really neat easy to care for plant. They are a good starter plant because they require little care. They have long blade like laves shooting out of the dirt in a rosette that spread by runners under the ground. They will fill a pot pretty fast and don't need to be repotted very often. If the pots not falling over from being top heavy than don't worry about repotting just top dress it if it needs it. They like bright light but don't need direct sun. They seem to grow better if they don't get a lot of direct sun. Mine has always liked an eastern exposure but any window except a northern one would probably work. If kept in a southern window you should probably filter the southern winter sun. Water good than let dry out before watering again. they are easy to propagate also. Just take one of the rosettes with some roots and pot in another pot. You will probably have to prop the new plant up with something so it does'nt fall over. You can also cut up a leaf and root the pieces of leaves as well.

-Ducky Layne-

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