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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Growing a Avocado from the pit!

I'm going to attempt to grow a Avocado from the pit! I'm quite excited! I've never tried this yet so we'll see how it goes.

You will need.
-Four toothpicks
-Tall glass or jar

Cut the Avocado in half making sure not to cut the pit. Then twist and pull apart the two halves. Use the spoon to scoop out the pit.

Insert the toothpicks into the avocado pit about a quarter inch around the sides. About half way up the pit

Make sure the eye of the pit is facing down into the glass.

Balance the pit on the glass.

Fill the glass all the way to the brim. Place the glass on a kitchen counter or somewhere out of the way. Don't put in full sun though.

I'll update when it starts to do something(if anything lol).

Looks like roots are starting to develop. Tool small to take a picture yet. I'll post a picture as soon as they get bigger.

Still nothing :( I don't think the pits are going to do anything. I'm going to leave them a couple more weeks. If they don't do anything i'll start over and do it again. I think they might of gotten too cold. We'll see what happens.

-Ducky Layne-

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