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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Madagascar Dragon Tree

Common Name:
Madagascar Dragon Tree

Bright indirect light



He's really grown since I put him out this spring!

Madagascar Dragon tree is a wonderful plant. They usually come in a pot with several trees. I bought mine as a little $2 plant in the annuals at WAL-MART during the summer. They do lose their bottom leaves as they grow so if your plant looks healthy besides that then your doing good. They have long slender dark green leaves with red edges. It like bright indirect light. Does well in an East window. I let mine dry out before watering again but not bone dry. The leaves will droop a little when it's thirsty also. They can grow into nice sized trees and don't take up a lot of room. Their trunks don't get very big and they don't have wide spread foilage. They don't mind being in the same pot for a long time.

-Ducky Layne-

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