Spider Plant
Airplane Plant
Medium Light
South Africa
Bonnie spider plant. The Bonnie spider plant or curly spider plant is different from other spider plants because the leaves curl. The older and bigger the plant gets the curlier the leaves are.
These are the two spider plants above. They have really grown. The one has shot out tons of runners but the bonnie(curly spider plant) spider palnt has'nt shot any out. It's grown a lot though.
It's gotten tons of runners since I put it out this summer!
Spider plants are easy plants to take care of and are fun to watch grow from a baby plant. Spider plants have long runners that shoot out of the middle of the leaves and have Little white flowers on them where the baby plants will grow. This is how they reproduce. The baby's are easy to start. Just cut one off and either put it in some water or plant in moist soil. If you place in water don't put the whole plant under the water because it could rot. If given the right care they will grow pretty fast. East or west windows have always worked for me. Let them dry out a little before watering again. The leaves usually appear kind of translucent and paler green when they are in need of a drink. Proper care of this plant will reward you with a beautiful plant.
-Ducky Layne-
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