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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Peace Lily

Common name:
Peace Lily

Low light

Keep moist

Central and South America

The Peace Lily is one of the easiest house plants to take care of. It can tolerate low light levels but has to have some light. If you give it some bright indirect light it will do better than lower ight conditions. Don't give it any direct sun because it will burn the leaves. It likes moist soil so don't let it dry out too much. At the same time you should'nt keep the soil soggy either. It will let you know when it is thirsty. The leaves will start to droop when it wants a drink. It likes humidity so it's good to mist the plant a coupld times a week unless you have a humidifier going. It blooms pretty much whenever it feels like it. It has white flowers on long stems that shoot up from the middle of the foilage. It does'nt like the cold and should be kept away from drafts. Cold is really hard on the foilage.

-Ducky Layne-

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